If you’re like millions of employees around the world, your employers have shifted to remote work to help eliminate the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19). Now, the idea of working from home sounds pretty awesome – you’re in your own space, wear what you want, sit (*ahem* lie) where you want, and listen to what you want (*ahem* Netflix). That all sounds good until you have a deadline or project due and it’s not complete because you were “working from home.”
Listen, I don’t want that stress for you. So I’m going to share a few tips on how to be productive when you’re working from home, as well as my work from home schedule (I am super detail-oriented so I’m sharing all my deets). One of my very first jobs out of college I was remote 3 – 4 days a week so I have tons to say about productivity while working remotely.
Let’s dive in!
Actively Wake Up
I know how easy it can be to roll out of bed or even not get out of bed grab your laptop and start “working.” I’ve been there before, you close your eyes for just a second and a second turns into two hours and you have no idea where you are or what happened. Actively wake up! Get out of bed, shower, eat breakfast, make your coffee. Try to remain as close to your regular schedule as possible but make adjustments.
For example, normally I wake up around 5 AM to either squeeze in a workout before my long commute and get to the office at 8:20 AM. When I’m remote I give myself an hour back to sleep so I’m really well-rested and wake up around 6:30 AM, workout or plan my social media content for the week. Finally, I caffeinate and eat and start working around 9 AM.
Dressing with Purpose
Get dressed. Put on real clothes. I cannot stress this enough. I’m not talking about a full suit, but maybe jeans and a sweater maybe leggings and a sweater. Getting dressed in the morning signals work mode and you’ll be more productive when you’re not wearing your pj’s all day. Trust me, it makes all the difference.
Your Workspace
Not to be overly dramatic but your workspace is KEY. Clean off the desk/table in your house that has been the dumping ground for mail and miscellaneous items. Put everything you will need to work within arms reach. Invest in a good chair or maybe a monitor or laptop stand.
Some of my favorite amazon workspace items include
If you’re limited on space and don’t wantto spend money, I’ve written my fair share of reports at my dining room table or coffee table of my home. Try to declutter and remove any distractions out of the space beforehand.
Setting Boundaries
Be sure to explain to your friends and family, just because you’re working from home does not mean you’re “free.” It can be a little confusing and complicated to navigate since you’re more accessible now.
At one of my first job when I was mostly remote, I’d have family members in the middle of my workday ask me if I can run errands for them or friends wanting to grab brunch. Working from home does not mean I’m free, it actually means that I’m working lol Letting friends and family know what your working hours are can help prevent this from happening.
Take Breaks
It’ll keep you from going crazy. Take a walk outside, make some more coffee, do laundry, chat with your coworker on facetime for a little bit.
My Work From Home Routine
6:30 AM – Wake up, drink a glass of water and take my vitamins.
6:45 AM – Work out OR blog planning
7:45 AM – Shower and get dressed
8: 00 AM – Make breakfast (I like to meal prep breakfast so I don’t have to think about it) and coffee
8:30 AM – Go over my to-do list and catch up on any news
9:00 AM – Start working
11:00 AM – Coffee break
12:30 PM – Lunch & Walk
1:30 PM – More work
3:00 PM – Coffee & Break (This is when I typically need a pick me up)
3:30 PM – 5 PM – More work