Hello Ladies and Gents!
How are you feeling? Yes, how are feeling? Most recently someone asked me “how I was feeling” vs. “how I was doing” and it made me think about how we tend to auto-answer when someone asks us how we are doing. When someone asks how you are feeling it kind of forces you to do a self-check of how you are actually feeling. Just some food for thought for today!
Today we are going to talk about a subject that has always been complicated for me…and that is hair care. I have always had a love hate relationship with my hair. From ages 11 to 26 my hair was chemically straightened. Every 6 to 8 weeks I would sit in a chair while my mom or hairdresser would apply a creamy relaxer to my hair. In my senior year of college, I tried to go natural and ultimately failed miserably and ran back to relaxers almost 8 months later. Why did I run back? I had NO idea what I was doing. I didn’t know how to care for natural hair, only my relaxed hair. Now many people say that hair is hair and you should treat it all the same way. That couldn’t be farther from the truth! Believe me, I have held large clumps of my half relaxed and half natural hair in my hands because I was treating it the same as my relaxed hair. IT IS NOT THE SAME.
About 3 years ago while getting a fresh relaxer I realized that I couldn’t remember what my natural hair looked like. I tried to remember what my hair actually looked like as a child and I couldn’t. That really bugged me. That day was the last time I got a relaxer. The last time my scalp and edges were chemically burned. I decided to go natural and put my hair in protective styles until my hair was in a place where I felt comfortable cutting out all of the relaxed hair.
The very first thing that I noticed while going natural was my thin edges. I was so self-conscious about their appearance and I had years of relaxers to thank for that. I was struggling to find the right products for years! It wasn’t until recently that I found what really works for me.
In enters Edge Naturale Follicle Enhancer. Y’all, let me tell you…my edges are thriving! THRIVING. It smells like a peppermint candy cane and feels buttery light. Seriously. This stuff is a game-changer. My hair loves this stuff. You just take a pea-sized amount and spread onto edges and scalp and let it do its thing. This product stimulates your hair follicles to grow and boy do they. I will be sharing before and after pictures in another post. But take it from me, this product is life-changing.
Since using this product my confidence has seriously improved when it comes to my hair. Also, the state of my hair has changed as well. I no longer have relaxed ends. I cut off my ends a few months back and I am learning to love my new hair through protective styles and YouTube videos.

I’d love to learn more from you all as well! Are you natural and if so, how long did it take? What are some of your favorite products? Let’s chat in the comments!
Truthfully Yours, Dahlia
Disclaimer: I was sent this product for free.